Monday, October 30, 2023

Production Blog


Salutations, Cambridge it's ya boy Finn back with another blog. Today I will be talking about the editing process of our project.. When looking at the music video after running it back and re-filming. We had a total of 11 scenes. We added up the seconds and had about a minute and five seconds. Our video and the song ended perfectly when we wanted it to fade out. God's Plan is truly a masterpiece. Taking note of this, we set out to find resources that could be used to change the scene transitions, adjust the sound transitions, and  sync our song with the scenes. It didn't take long to learn about a program known as Capcut through research. The majority of my crew used this on earlier assignments. Capcut is a simple tool that we are all familiar with. It offers various elements that we require for our video, like text and sound effects for music. While exploring alternative applications, we discovered IMovie. Since this editing program is compatible with all iOS devices, it is convenient for everyone to use. Its complex audio editing features and a wider range templates and themes compared to Capcut could make our video look better. It also shares the same title and credits as Capcut, which is useful, but not everyone uses this software, so it could be too much for the playful and lighthearted mood we want for our music video. Apart from that, that would be the main challenge to be solved. We knew exactly which scene should go first when it came to the sequencing of our scenes. In addition, we already know how many seconds each scene lasts, how the lyrics fit, and how our text will look at the start.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Production Blog


Hello Cambridge. it's me back again with another blog. Tuesday was so sucessful we got all of our scenes done. That's what I thought until we started putting it together. We did not have all of our scenes. Some of the videos were blurry and did not portray what we were trying to. We had to overcome these obstacles and persevere. Conner saved the day. Using his quick witty critical thinking skills he acted fast. Since him and Renato lived so close to the mall he picked up Renato. Me and Isahiah were at practice. But that didn’t stop him. Conner quickly ran back to school and picked us both up early from practice. We then re filmed almost the whole video. Starting with the roof top scene. One thing I am very un happy about is I wanted to include a scene of me throwing the money up in the air. In my opinion when we filmed it it looked amazing. But no body else agreed. Thus, it did not make the final cuts. All in all, Conner’s witty critical thinking skills saved the day for all of us. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Production Blog

Teammate vs. Friend — Coach B Patel

 Hey Cambridge, its ya boy again. Back with another blog. Tuesday went as planned. We met at 12 PM sharp at the mall and were very productive. We filmed all of our scenes and even had an extra hour to hangout. For our opening shot we filmed in cinamatic mode on my phone. We went on top of the parking garage and filmed our establishing shot. It took us many takes including me throwing money into the wind and it not making the final cut. But wen finally decided on Conner and Isahaih flexing the money. Then, we went into Macy's in the mall. It took us many attempts but we ended up filming a tracking shot with me and our friend Sarah in the expensive jewelery section. She was acting as though she was choosing a necklace. Then in the following scene the camera starts facing the jewlery and then pans to me pulling out $10k to easily cover the price of the necklace. We then went to the escalators, me and Renato were dancing with our money. This resembles Antonio Brown and Drake dancing on the escalators. We then walked to Renatos neighborhood and I put on a wig as though I was girl. And Isahiah was gifting me a bmw with a bow on it. The following scene shows Isahiah handing me a stack of money while we are driving around in the fancy car. We then walked to a park, Conner acted as though was a homeless man on a bench and Renato put a blind fold on him. Then they took the blind fold off and gifted him a $250k check. I was filming. Then we went to CVS, Renato acted as though he was shopping. I tapped his shoulder and pulled out the money. He then frantically grabbed everything he could off the shelves. And then I filmed Isahiah checking out at the cash register and Conner then acted as though he bought what Isahiah needed. We then went back into the mall and ate as a team. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Production Blog

Drake Gives Away $996,631.90 in His "God's Plan" Music Video | Teen Vogue

Hello, Finn OBrien back with another blog. Today I'll be talking about our planning and finalization for setting up. When discussing our options of when the members can do our first meet-up, there were a few obstacles. First, we needed to find a time when we could all meet up to discuss it. Luckily, one of our classes landed together for all of us, allowing us to talk and arrange. During this class, we were able to see everyone's schedules. When looking at dates possible for us, we thought it would be best to look at our weekends for the first production. When it came to Conner, he was able to the weekend of 21 and 22, and the 28th. Isahiah could do the 29 and 28 and Renato was a maybe on the 21 and 22 but it was quite close and could not be weekdays for sure. I couldn't the 28 so we all had different days occupied. We all came to the realization that we could all do the following Tuesday and when rearranging, we all could do the Sunday 22nd. We decided the production would start around mid-day and still had set it to do it near the Galleria mall. Moreover, we had the setting and time done and so we got our props set too. We realized we had all of our props, as in there weren't too many to be bought. We had the prop money, the designer clothes, car, and only needed two products. Renato decided to buy a bow used for cars in gifts, and a prop large size check to represent giving back to the community. After settling all of this, I started to look into how the rotation of characters can be played by us. The idea is still in the works but we were able to come up with an idea. We will take turns by scene and have one filming while the others are either giving to the community or the ones receiving back from the community. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Production Blog

 The Galleria Mall:

Hello, it's me Finn back with another blog. I'll be talking about how I got ready to start the music video. When choosing the location, I had talked with every member of my group. Since none of us lived in the same place, we had to choose one that was close to everyone. We decided that an area with lots of shops and stores would be ideal when deciding on a nearby location for all of us. We looked about and decided the Galleria Mall would be the ideal location for our project. It's where Renato and Connor frequently go, eventhough its kind of far from me and Isahiah. This seemed ideal to us for a variety of reasons. Right behind is a neighborhood where we will film our scenes, like the dog scene. We can also gain access to this neighborhood through Renato as he lives there. Another location is the CVS, which is just one block away, where we may act out the scenes of community service. Since the CVS is more convenient for everyone, we replaced the dollar tree that was in our storyboard. Lastly, there are a ton of opportunities offered by the Galleria. There are many options for the stores where the music video could be shot; some examples are Dillard's and Rolex. These could replace the jewelry store scene. Toy stores such as ToysRus can be a stand-in for a store where we can provide toys for children. With my teammates, none of the weekdays really worked for us because of after-school sports, so it had to be eliminated from our schedule. The weekend of the 28th would be ideal for Conner and Renato. This is due to the fact that they are both on the swim team so they have the same schedule. The weekend of the 21st would work best for Isahiah and myself. The next thing we need to decide on for the making of our music video is when exactly we should get together.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Story Board


Slide 1: Staring scene showing the amount of money spent in the story of the music video
Slide 2: The next scene shows text telling the viewer the story not to "Tell our teacher"
Slide 3: This scene shows us dancing and lip-syncing to the song on a roof
Slide 4: Entering a store to introduce the story of giving away money
Slide 5: The next scene shows at the cash register paying for someone else's groceries
Slide 6: In the aisle handing money to random people to show the theme of giving to the public in the video
Slide 7: Scene shows in front of the store where the poor man is walking with groceries
Slide 8: The next scene is a second part of the poor man, where he receives a gift-wrapped car
Slide 9: Back to the top of the roof, dancing with designer and jewelry.
Slide 10: Now at the park with another random person having them blindfolded to signal a surprise is coming
Slide 11: The following scene with the same stranger reveals a big check to them, showing excitement
Slide 12: The succeeding scene shows the front of a jewelry store about to be entered 
Slide 13: The next scene shows the poorer person pointing at items wanting to be bought 
Slide 14: In a neighborhood showing a dog being fed water and food in the streets
Slide 15: Final scene showing giving money to random people, people start showing emotion

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Research Blog


The Box: By Roddy Richh


Close up

Low angle

Medium Shot

Medium Close up

Tracking Shot

Wide shot


High Angle

Three Shot

Ariel Shot

Dutch Angle

Two Shot

Over-Shoulder Shot





Jump cut

Action Match


Diegetic Sound

Non-diegetic sound

Sound bridge

Ambient Sound


Costume: (Causal clothes, basketball jersey, racecar outfit, theif outfit, army clothes)


Acting: (Lip-syncing)

Props: (Cars, basketball, poster, sunglasses, tables, boxes)

Lighting: (Low dim lighting)

Set: (Open driveway, gym, interior of vault, night view of city, broken warehouse, office, factory museum)

HUMBLE: By Kendrick Lamar


Long shot

Low angle

Medium shot

Aerial shot

Two shot

Three shot

Tracking shot

Wide shot


High Angle



Medium Shot

Medium close up

Close up


Jump cut




Non-diegetic sound

Split screen

Sound bridge


Props: (Money, face masks, golf clubs, table, chair, table, food, cars)

Costume: (Hoodie, formal clothes, glasses hoodie)

Set: (Hair salon, streets, gym, church, outdoors, house)

Acting: (Lip-syncing)

Makeup: (Models wearing lots of it)

Lighting: (Dim lighting to bright lighting)

All My Life: By Lil Durk ft. J. Cole


Tracking shot

Medium shot

Medium Close up

High angle

Ariel shots



Establishing shot

Low angle

Two shot

Three shot

Dutch Angle


Long shot

Close up

Wide shot

Eye Level

Medium long shot


Jump cut


Action match


Diegetic Sound 

Non-Diegetic Sound

Sound Bridges


Costume (Urban outfit, children's clothing, streetwear)

Acting (Lip-syncing)

Props: (Chain, chalk, water gun, ice cream truck, balloons, football, bicycles)

Set: (House interior, front yard, neighborhood)

Planning Blog



Prop money

Prop novelty check


Jewelry items

Designer merch

Charity signs and banners

Celebratory props



Galleria Mall

Dollar Tree


After school 4-6 P.M

2x times a week

Weekends if possible P.M


Drake inspired outfits

Civilian clothes

Shopper inspired outfit

Charity and homeless clothes

Backup Plan

For our location plan B, if a location is not available at the time, we could change the location to someone's house or a local open area near all members of the group

For our props, if some are not able to be acquired, our plan B would be to have duplicates of the props if anything were to happen, and we could also do D.I.Y props if something were to happen to them

For our plan B for the schedule, if any weather contingencies were to occur, we would have alternative shooting if necessary.

For our costumes, we can consider wardrobe alternatives that are suitable for the different weather conditions or unexpected changes in the script.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Group Blog

 Drake steals money from the less fortunate - YouTube

Hello Cambridge Finn is back with a new blog. Today I'll discuss the people I'll be working with and why for my music video. Additionally. I'll talk about the song we chose and the inspiration for it. I will be collaborating on my project alongside Renato, Connor, and Isahiah. Each member was selected for a different reason. Due to his wit, Renato seemed like he would be an excellent addition to our group. His quick wit and sense of humor may be a huge asset when creating our music video scenarios, and if necessary, he can improvise to make the film still look enjoyable. Due to his creativity, Connor would also be a fantastic complement to our team. It definitely can help our story when Connor is able to think creatively and come up with suggestions. Connor can contribute new ideas and creativity to our project, making it seem as good as it possibly can. Because of his technological expertise, Isaiah would be a valuable addition to our team. His expertise in handling the technical aspects of our work guarantees that we have a solid foundation. Isahiah's skills in video creation and editing can improve our process and product quality. We selected Drake's song God's Plan for the music video. For a few reasons, we made the decision to stick with God's Plan quickly.  The song featured on the recording is one that we all recognize and are familiar with. In light of this, doing so may make it simpler for us to interact with our audience. The artist of the song goes around and helps those in need, which is something we believed we could easily do ourselves. The song also transmits a great message. The story told in the song God's Plan is an important factor in our decision. God's Plans' lyrics offer an outline for storytelling that can be transformed into a plot for our music video.

Intro Blog

How to Shoot a Music Video

 Hey Cambridge I'm back for my Commercial. I had an amazing and productive time with my Commerical. Now I'm going to be working on my music video. Let me tell you a little about my origin. I was born February 20th 2008 and I was born in Imperial Point hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. That makes me fifteen years old. I have a decently sized family. I have a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister and Dog. I am the oldest child that makes me the role model in the family. I started my academic career at Virginia Shuman Young Elementary. Then I went to Sunrise Middle school and now I attend Fort Lauderdale High School. During these years of school I played many sports. For example, I started off playing soccer and baseball at a young age. I later set focus to just baseball and I have been playing for ten years. Baseball has been my passion for so long because it helps me exercise while having fun. I also like baseball because I can practice with my dad. For example, I wakeup at 5am every morning to hit in the batting cages with my dad. We both have a lot of fun together. Baseball is one of my passions/likes. Let's talk about my dislikes. I dislike reading and math. Ever since elementary school I have gotten bored and not been fond of reading and math. My teachers were always amazing but just something about it inferiates me. Maybe one day they'll grow on me and I'll become more fond. 

Production Blog

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to our final blog about our short film adventure! Now that we've wrapped up filming and are deep into post...