Friday, October 13, 2023

Story Board


Slide 1: Staring scene showing the amount of money spent in the story of the music video
Slide 2: The next scene shows text telling the viewer the story not to "Tell our teacher"
Slide 3: This scene shows us dancing and lip-syncing to the song on a roof
Slide 4: Entering a store to introduce the story of giving away money
Slide 5: The next scene shows at the cash register paying for someone else's groceries
Slide 6: In the aisle handing money to random people to show the theme of giving to the public in the video
Slide 7: Scene shows in front of the store where the poor man is walking with groceries
Slide 8: The next scene is a second part of the poor man, where he receives a gift-wrapped car
Slide 9: Back to the top of the roof, dancing with designer and jewelry.
Slide 10: Now at the park with another random person having them blindfolded to signal a surprise is coming
Slide 11: The following scene with the same stranger reveals a big check to them, showing excitement
Slide 12: The succeeding scene shows the front of a jewelry store about to be entered 
Slide 13: The next scene shows the poorer person pointing at items wanting to be bought 
Slide 14: In a neighborhood showing a dog being fed water and food in the streets
Slide 15: Final scene showing giving money to random people, people start showing emotion

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