Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Planning Blog



Prop money

Prop novelty check


Jewelry items

Designer merch

Charity signs and banners

Celebratory props



Galleria Mall

Dollar Tree


After school 4-6 P.M

2x times a week

Weekends if possible P.M


Drake inspired outfits

Civilian clothes

Shopper inspired outfit

Charity and homeless clothes

Backup Plan

For our location plan B, if a location is not available at the time, we could change the location to someone's house or a local open area near all members of the group

For our props, if some are not able to be acquired, our plan B would be to have duplicates of the props if anything were to happen, and we could also do D.I.Y props if something were to happen to them

For our plan B for the schedule, if any weather contingencies were to occur, we would have alternative shooting if necessary.

For our costumes, we can consider wardrobe alternatives that are suitable for the different weather conditions or unexpected changes in the script.

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