Friday, February 23, 2024

Production Blog

Filming on the Beach at Sunset

It's Finn again. So, today was the start of our filming session, and let me tell you, it was quite the adventure. Renato and Conner had a strategy going in since communication with Isahiah and me hasn't been the smoothest. We decided to tackle as many scenes as possible without us and save the ones we're needed for until later. Renato and Conner planned to start filming after his afternoon practice, which worked out. Conner headed over to his place around 6:00 pm, just as the sun was beginning to set, adding that perfect mood to our shots. We kicked things off with the drone scenes since they were the trickiest, especially with the limited daylight.Their first task was an establishing shot of Renato's neighborhood, captured by the drone. It wasn't too complicated, but they were under a bit of pressure because Conner's drone was low on battery, and he forgot to bring a spare. Next up were the running scenes, and let me tell you, those were a challenge. They had to use the drone's auto-follow mode since it was just Renato and Conner handling the filming. Picture this: Renato sprinting away from a car, with the drone trailing behind, capturing the action. The tricky part? Conner was driving the car, so he couldn't exactly glance back to check if they got the shot right. It took them a few attempts and about 30 minutes to nail it down. Overall, it was a hectic but productive day of filming. Stay tuned for more updates on our progress. Thanks for following along, and I'll catch you in the next blog post!

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Production Blog

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to our final blog about our short film adventure! Now that we've wrapped up filming and are deep into post...