Thursday, February 22, 2024

Production Blog

 How to Start Filming Your Adventures » Expedition Overland

Whats up Cambrige, it's Finn again. We decided to film a boxing movie for our final task. Me and Renato are the boxers. Isahaih is Renato's trainer. And Conner is the news reporter. We created a group chat and getting eachothers numbers wasnt a problem. This was due to the fact that this basically the same group as last project, but with Conner. I've known Conner since 6th grade and Renato has known him since 2nd.  We texted in the group chaty to meet up in our class and plan when to film. We were talking for two hours and we decided to meet up in the weekend to film at the beach. Due to our busy schedules we would only be able to film for a short amount of time. Renato is busy on schooldays and Isahiah is busy every second saturday of the month. While I am free only on Sundays. We stayed with the plans from that one Sunday we set on. Everyone was ready and all of a sudden Conner calls the group. He said, "I can't go." And you would think, "oh only one person is missing you guys can still film." This is not the case because Conner has all of the equipment. The drone, the camera and the microphones. We are going to try and film again because we have a day off from school.

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Production Blog

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to our final blog about our short film adventure! Now that we've wrapped up filming and are deep into post...