Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Production Blog

              Drake Views From The 6 Album Artwork Features the CN Tower | Hypebeast

Good evening Cambridge, so far I have been extremely productive with my commercial. Yesterday was a sucess. I found all of the photos I will be including in my commercial. Eventhough, there were some hurdles in the way. I overcame them. Right now it is about eight o'clock. And I have chosen a song for my commercial. The song is Too Good by Drake aka Aubrey Drake Graham and Rihanna. This song has a great signifigance to me, my life and upcoming. Ever since I was five or so years old I listened to Drake. Hotline Bling was my favorite song along with Too Good, One Dance and God's plan. Drake has influenced my life and that is why I'm going to include him in my commercial. It took me and while to figure out which song to include. I wanted to include one of drakes songs but it was too explicit. Then while trying to find another one it wouldnt upload. Finally, I added Too Good and it fit my commercial perfectly. It was perfect too because it brought back many memories from my past. I love the way that the song ties in with my pictures. It's almost like I can remember each memory and picture. 

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Production Blog

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to our final blog about our short film adventure! Now that we've wrapped up filming and are deep into post...