Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Production Blog


Good morning Cambridge, it's Finn back with another blog. It is currently September 19th at approximately at 8:30. Today I will be talking about the planning of my commercial. I will be setting deadlines to insure me completing my project on time. Here is how I will divide the work. Today I will be selecting my photos. Tommorrow I will be picking my music. Thursday I will be picking my software for the project. And Friday I will make tweaks and edits. I have selected fifteen photos and I will be showing them for two seconds each. I will be selecting a photo for each year of my life. The signifigance of a photo for each year of my life is to show the progression of me over the years. I will be including birthday photos, baseball photos, family photos and photos with friends. Those are some of the most important things to me and that is why I will include them. The photo of my friends I will include is my friend group from middle school. We have been friends since 6th grade and to this day. Eventhough we go to different schools we are still close with eachother. The baseball photos I will include are some of me when I was both little and present day. I will include some photos of me at my birthday cakes over the years. And finally some of me and my family. Although, my planning sounds fool proof. It wasnt I encountered many dilemmas when trying to upload and save some of the photos. Even with all this trial and error, I will still complete my commercial on time and meet all of my personal deadlines. 

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Production Blog

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to our final blog about our short film adventure! Now that we've wrapped up filming and are deep into post...