Friday, September 29, 2023


During the production of my commercial I used many different technologies. For example, I used CapCut, my MacBook, the school computer and YouTube. These programs not only helped me through this project but for ones in the future too. Now, if I ever need to make a video, I know how to add video, audio and transitions. I will definitely be carrying these new skills with me in the future to come. The process of assembling my project showed me to balance of creativity and organization. From start to finish, I learned the building blocks to a successful production. Each element--visual, audio and dialogue-- must be in harmony to be successful. Understanding this deepened my appreciation to presenting ideas through digital media. This lesson in project assembly highlights the necessity of a strategic and well-thought-out approach. Ensuring a seamless transition from one piece of media to the next, capturing the audience and engaging them and keeping consistency were crucial elements in this process. Reflecting and looking back on it I recognize areas for improvement. I understand the value of polishing the final project and addressing any technical flaws. All in all, the journey of creating my commercial on CapCut was a great exploration of technology, organization and self-improvement. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Friday, September 22, 2023

Production Blog

       Inside Track: Rod Wave 'Street Runner'

Hello Cambridge, this is my 4th and final Production blog. Today I will be discussing with you my final tweaks, revisions and edits of my commercial. Each day I have previously accomplished something. Since day one, I have set a deadline and expectations for me to complete my commercial on time. Ever since Tuesday I have been persistent. And even when it got tough and I didn't feel like doing it. At the end of the day I still got it done. Now that the commercial is in it's final stages, I will be revising it and making sure everything is good with it. I just finished revising and tweaking. And I found a few flaws. For example, one of the pictures I included was shown shorter than the other ones. By this I mean every video except one was shown for say .02 seconds. While others were shown for 2 seconds. If I hadn't double checked that could've been bad. Another imperfection I noticed was the music uploaded was explicit. So I had to quickly change that. That also could've been a big issue if I didn't look over my commercial. This has taught me to double check things. Especially big projects like this or even smaller ones. In the future I will definitely use this skill to my advantage. For my media in this blog I have included a picture of my favorite rapper Rod Wave. This piece of media shows him finishing an album (project) just like me. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Production Blog


Good evening, Cambridge today is the third day of me working on the production of my commercial. Yesterday and Tuesday were extremly productive. I completed finding the photos. Along with the music for the commercial. That just leaves today and tommorrow to choose an editing software, peer review my commercial and tweak and edit/make any changes. Today I have completed finding an editing software to use. It took me about 30 minutes to search and find a reliable and trusty one. I split between iMovie and CapCut. But finally, I settled down and chose CapCut. CapCut has nothing but amazing reviews and I can use it on any computer/phone/iPad. As opposed to iMovie, which is limited to only Apple devices. Once I downloaded CapCut on my computer. At first it was extremely comlicated to navigate. I did not know what to do or how to use it. I tried everything. I looked up tutorials and everything. But finally my little sister showed me what to do. From there on out it was extremely easy to navigate. All I had to do was upload my photos and upload an extract of my song and boom. Like that I was already done. I overcame some hurdles, but besides that it was a piece of cake. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Production Blog

              Drake Views From The 6 Album Artwork Features the CN Tower | Hypebeast

Good evening Cambridge, so far I have been extremely productive with my commercial. Yesterday was a sucess. I found all of the photos I will be including in my commercial. Eventhough, there were some hurdles in the way. I overcame them. Right now it is about eight o'clock. And I have chosen a song for my commercial. The song is Too Good by Drake aka Aubrey Drake Graham and Rihanna. This song has a great signifigance to me, my life and upcoming. Ever since I was five or so years old I listened to Drake. Hotline Bling was my favorite song along with Too Good, One Dance and God's plan. Drake has influenced my life and that is why I'm going to include him in my commercial. It took me and while to figure out which song to include. I wanted to include one of drakes songs but it was too explicit. Then while trying to find another one it wouldnt upload. Finally, I added Too Good and it fit my commercial perfectly. It was perfect too because it brought back many memories from my past. I love the way that the song ties in with my pictures. It's almost like I can remember each memory and picture. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Production Blog


Good morning Cambridge, it's Finn back with another blog. It is currently September 19th at approximately at 8:30. Today I will be talking about the planning of my commercial. I will be setting deadlines to insure me completing my project on time. Here is how I will divide the work. Today I will be selecting my photos. Tommorrow I will be picking my music. Thursday I will be picking my software for the project. And Friday I will make tweaks and edits. I have selected fifteen photos and I will be showing them for two seconds each. I will be selecting a photo for each year of my life. The signifigance of a photo for each year of my life is to show the progression of me over the years. I will be including birthday photos, baseball photos, family photos and photos with friends. Those are some of the most important things to me and that is why I will include them. The photo of my friends I will include is my friend group from middle school. We have been friends since 6th grade and to this day. Eventhough we go to different schools we are still close with eachother. The baseball photos I will include are some of me when I was both little and present day. I will include some photos of me at my birthday cakes over the years. And finally some of me and my family. Although, my planning sounds fool proof. It wasnt I encountered many dilemmas when trying to upload and save some of the photos. Even with all this trial and error, I will still complete my commercial on time and meet all of my personal deadlines. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Research and Planning Blog

Hey Cambrige, for this particular chapter in my blog I had a lot of trial and error. For example, at first I wanted to chose a song that I enjoy to listen to before baseball games to represent me. But due to the fact that the song was explicit I could not attach it. I tried to add a reggae song that me and my dad always listen to in the car on the way. But I could not find a link on YouTube for it. Reggae and music in general has been a crucial part in my uprising. As a young kid and still to this day I always listen to reggae artists such as Bob Marley and Ziggy Marley just to name a few. What speaks to me and my family the most about reggae is that it has such an uplifting beat and catchy lyrics which can get you in a good mood almost instantly. Another thing that represents me is Ronald Acuña Jr. he is an MLB player for the Atlanta Braves. I idolize him and his playing style and mimic him through my game. I study his swing and strive to be like him. Throughout my life I have been blessed to have my dad by side as my best friend. He constantly pushes me to be the best version of myself and supports me with my dreams. My dad and I have been putting in constant hours to better my baseball career. For instance, whether it be before school, after school pratice or his birthday. He always accomidates time for me and my passion. We either go to the gym, hit batting practice or do fielding work. Or all of the above but atleast something each and every day. Eventhough, my passion for baseball is so strong. I don't think it would be close to the point to where it is now if it werent for him. Not to mention he also juggles owning his own law firm and practicing law during the day. The pictures I have included are a picture of Ronald Acuña Jr., a picture of me and my dad when I was young just starting to fall in love with baseball and a picture one from 3 months ago. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Intro Blog


 Hey Cambridge it's Finn OBrien let me tell you a little about my origin. I was born February 20th 2008 and I was born in Imperial Point hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. That makes me fifteen years old. I have a decently sized family. I have a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister and Dog. I am the oldest child that makes me the role model in the family. I started my academic career at Virginia Shuman Young Elementary. Then I went to Sunrise Middle school and now I attend Fort Lauderdale High School. During these years of school I played many sports. For example, I started off playing soccer and baseball at a young age. I later set focus to just baseball and I have been playing for ten years. Baseball has been my passion for so long because it helps me exercise while having fun. I also like baseball because I can practice with my dad. For example, I wakeup at 5am every morning to hit in the batting cages with my dad. We both have a lot of fun together. Baseball is one of my passions/likes. Let's talk about my dislikes. I dislike reading and math. Ever since elementary school I have gotten bored and not been fond of reading and math. My teachers were always amazing but just something about it inferiates me. Maybe one day they'll grow on me and I'll become more fond. 

Production Blog

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to our final blog about our short film adventure! Now that we've wrapped up filming and are deep into post...